Electronic Board Packet for CLPCCD_June 15, 2010

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Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

June 15th, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.*

District Office
5020 Franklin Drive, Pleasanton, CA
Multipurpose Room (Room 120)

  • 1.0
    • 1.1
      • 1.2


        The Board requests that the public speak at this time.  Any person wishing to address the Board on any Closed Session matter of concern is requested to complete a "Request to Address the Board of Trustees" card and file it with the Recording Secretary of the Board prior to start of the meeting.  Individuals will be called upon to speak by the presiding officer.  The Board cannot act on or discuss items not listed on the agenda.

        • 1.3
          CLOSED SESSION—Personnel, Collective Bargaining and Possible Litigation

            a.  Conference with Legal Counsel: Review of Potential Measure B Bond Claims (Government Code Section 54956.9)


              b.  Public Employee (Government Code Section 54957)

                      (1) Interim President, Las Positas College


                c.  Evaluation of Contract Employees (Government Code

                     Section 54957)

                         (1)  District Executive Director, Economic

                                Development and Contract Education

                         (2)  Chief Technology Officer

                         (3)  Vice Chancellor, Business Services

                         (4)  Vice Chancellor, Human Resource Services and

                                Organizational Development

                         (5)  President, Chabot College

                         (6)  Chancellor, Chabot-Las Positas Community

                                College District

                  *Board meeting will immediately adjourn to a Closed Session to end at 6:30 p.m. If business is not concluded by 6:30 p.m., the Board will reconvene to the Regular Meeting and recess the Closed Session until the end of the meeting.
                  • 1.4
                    6:30 P.M. - OPEN SESSION - CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL
                    • 1.5
                      PLEDGE TO FLAG
                      • 1.6

                        PUBLIC COMMENTS

                        The Board requests that the public speak at this time.  Any person wishing to address the Board on any matter of concern is requested to complete a "Request to Address the Board of Trustees" card and file it with the Recording Secretary of the Board prior to start of the meeting.  Individuals will be called upon to speak by the presiding officer.  The Board cannot act on or discuss items not listed on the agenda.

                        • 1.7

                          PUBLIC HEARING

                          Public Hearing on the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1021, Collective Bargaining Agreement Reopener Proposals (Pursuant to Board Policy 4615).
                          • 1.8

                            APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS (cc)

                            Consent Calendar items are designated by "cc" and are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board of Trustees on a single motion without discussion. Any member of the Board or Public may request that an item be removed from this section for later discussion.

                            • 1.9 (cc)
                              Consent Calendar: Approval of Minutes of April 6, 2010 Meeting


                            • 1.10 (cc)

                              Consent Calendar:  Approval of Minutes of May 18, 2010 Meeting


                            • 1.11
                              PRESENTATION: LAS POSITAS COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLAN 2010-2015


                            • 1.12
                              PRESENTATION: 2010-2011 TENTATIVE BUDGET


                            • 2.0
                              • 2.1
                                Trustee Reports and/or Official Communications
                                • 2.2
                                  Chabot-Las Positas Colleges Foundations
                                  • 2.3

                                    Presidents of Faculty Senates - Chabot College and Las Positas College

                                    • 2.4

                                      Presidents of Classified Senates - Chabot College , Las Positas College and  District

                                      • 2.5

                                        Presidents of Associated Students - Chabot College and Las Positas College

                                        • 2.6

                                          Presidents of Chabot College and Las Positas College

                                          • 2.7


                                            • 2.8
                                              • 3.0
                                                • 3.1
                                                  Student Assistant Personnel (No Items)
                                                  • 3.2 (cc)

                                                    Consent Calendar: Classified Personnel


                                                  • 3.3 (cc)

                                                    Consent Calendar: Faculty Personnel


                                                  • 3.4 (cc)

                                                    Consent Calendar: Management Personnel


                                                  • 4.0
                                                    EDUCATIONAL SERVICES
                                                    • 4.1 (cc)

                                                      Consent Calendar:  Approval of Curriculum Changes, Las Positas College


                                                    • 5.0
                                                      BUSINESS SERVICES
                                                      • 5.1 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Commercial Warrant Registers


                                                      • 5.2 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Payroll Warrant Registers


                                                      • 5.3 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Agreement Renewal—Regents of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Dentistry for the Dental Hygiene Program, Chabot College


                                                      • 5.4 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Agreement Renewal—Tri-Valley Community Foundation for Educational Services, Las Positas College


                                                      • 5.5 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Agreement—Tracy Surgery Center for the Surgical Technology Program, Las Positas College


                                                      • 5.6 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Agreement—Sutter Tracy Community Hospital for the Surgical Technology Program, Las Positas College


                                                      • 5.7 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Agreement Renewal—American Medical Response (AMR) for the Emergency Medical Technician Program, Las Positas College


                                                      • 5.8 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Contract Renewal—First 5 Alameda County, Every Child Counts Program, Grant No. ECE2010-11-002, Las Positas College


                                                      • 5.9 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Agreement—Children’s Hospital and Research Center-Oakland for the Surgical Technology Program, Las Positas College


                                                      • 5.10 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval to Enter into Agreements for Use of Off-Campus Facilities for the Quest Program, Las Positas College


                                                      • 5.11 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Software Provision Agreement—Missouri Book Services (MBS), Chabot College


                                                      • 5.12 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Premier Partnership Agreement—Missouri Book Services (MBS), Chabot College


                                                      • 5.13 (cc)
                                                        Consent Calendar:  Approval of Denial of Claim of Janice Tone


                                                      • 5.14
                                                        Discussion and Adoption of Tentative Budgets—2010-2011 General Fund, Cafeteria Fund, Capital Outlay Projects Fund, Self-Insurance (RUMBL), Child Development Fund; and Establishment of September 7, 2010 as the Date for Public Hearing and Adoption of District Budgets


                                                      • 6.0
                                                        FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT
                                                        • 6.1 (cc)

                                                          Consent Calendar: Authorization to File Notice of

                                                          Completion with the Alameda County Clerk Recorder’s Office for Renovation of Building 500, Chabot College (Measure B Bond Funds)


                                                        • 6.2 (cc)
                                                          Consent Calendar: Authorization to File Notice of Completion with the Alameda County Clerk Recorder’s Office for Building 2500 Bleacher Replacement, Chabot College (Measure B Bond Funds)


                                                        • 6.3 (cc)
                                                          Consent Calendar: Authorization to File Notice of Completion with the Alameda County Clerk Recorder’s Office for the Roof Replacement for Buildings 100, 200, 400, 500 and Walkway Canopies, Las Positas College (Measure B Bond Funds)


                                                        • 6.4
                                                          Authorization to Transfer Project Budget for the Renovation of Building 3400, Chabot College (Measure B Bond Funds)


                                                        • 6.5
                                                          Adoption of Resolution No. 12-0910—Adoption of the Chabot and Las Positas College Climate Action Plans for the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment


                                                        • 7.0

                                                          ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/CONTRACT EDUCATION

                                                          • 7.1 (cc)
                                                            Approval to Renew Master Agreement – Associated Builders and Contractors Apprenticeship Program with the Associated Builders and Contractors, Golden Gate Chapter, Master Agreement, District-Economic Development


                                                          • 7.2 (cc)
                                                            Approval to Renew Master Agreement—AlliedBarton Security Services Apprenticeship Program with AlliedBarton Security Services, District-Economic Development and Chabot College


                                                          • 7.3 (cc)
                                                            Approval to Renew Master Agreement—Painter Apprenticeship Program and Drywall Finishing Apprenticeship Program with the District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman and Apprenticeship Training Trust Fund, District-Economic Development


                                                          • 7.4 (cc)
                                                            Approval to Renew Master Agreement—Fire/Life Safety Apprenticeship Program with the Western Burglar and Fire Alarm Association, Inc., District-Economic Development


                                                          • 7.5 (cc)
                                                            Approval to Renew Standard Contract—County of Solano Standard Contract No. 00591-11, District-Economic Development


                                                          • 7.6 (cc)
                                                            Approval of Agreement—American Safety Council, Inc. (ASC), District-Economic Development, OSHA Training Center


                                                          • 8.0
                                                            INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action)
                                                            • 8.1
                                                              Informational Personnel Reports


                                                            • 8.2
                                                              2010-2011 Budget in Brief—Governor’s May Revise and Other Budget Information


                                                            • 9.0

                                                              OTHER ACTION ITEMS

                                                              • 9.1
                                                                Adoption of Resolution No. 13-0910—Governing Board Elections: Specification of The Election Order, November 2, 2010


                                                              • 9.2
                                                                Adoption of Resolution No. 14-0910— Governing Board Elections: Candidates’ Statement of Qualifications


                                                              • 9.3

                                                                Adoption of Resolution No. 15-0910— Governing Board Elections: Tie Vote Procedures


                                                              • 9.4
                                                                Approval of Expanded Naming of Buildings Proposal, Chabot College


                                                              • 9.5
                                                                Approval of Naming of Buildings Proposal, Las Positas College


                                                              • 10.0

                                                                CLOSED SESSION—(Government Code Section 54954.5)

                                                                • 10.1
                                                                  • 10.2
                                                                    Collective Bargaining
                                                                    • 10.3
                                                                      Possible Litigation
                                                                      • 11.0
                                                                        • 12.0

                                                                          NEXT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

                                                                          July 20, 2010, Regular Meeting — 6:30 pm, District Office

                                                                          Any person with a disability may request this agenda be made available in an appropriate alternative format. A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting to the Assistant to the Chancellor, 5020 Franklin Drive, Pleasanton, 925-485-5207, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at least 48 hours before the meeting.