Symptom Screening
Symptom Screening
- How will symptom screening be done during the Fall 2021 semester?
- Employees and students should self-screen each day. Please do not come to the college if you have symptoms, and contact your supervisor.
- Have our consultants talked about making a health protocols quiz available on Canvas
that we can do with our students each day before class begins?
- A Canvas Quiz has been developed for the instructional staff to use. Please confirm with your Dean or VP of Instruction for the latest version.
- How do the District and both Campuses decide whether or not to screen staff, employees
and other visitors before entering the workplace?
- The District is asking all staff to perform a self screen each day prior to coming into the work environment. For vendors, they should self-screen and report to the individual that they are providing service on campus to, and for public visitors to the college, symptom screening is left to the discretion of the department based upon anticipated engagement with individuals to confirm symptom free conditions prior to entry.