Electronic Board Packet for CLPCCD May 17, 2011

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Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

May 17th, 2011 at 5:30 p.m.*

District Office
5020 Franklin Drive, Pleasanton, CA
Multipurpose Room (Room 120)

  • 1.0
    • 1.1

      5:30 P.M. OPEN SESSION


      • 1.2


        The Board requests that the public speak at this time.  Any person wishing to address the Board on any Closed Session matter of concern is requested to complete a "Request to Address the Board of Trustees" card and file it with the Recording Secretary of the Board prior to start of the meeting.  Individuals will be called upon to speak by the presiding officer.  The Board cannot act on or discuss items not listed on the agenda.

        • 1.3
          Student Grade Appeal pursuant to Board Policy 5513, Education Code Sections 72122 and 76224 and California Administrative Code Title 5 Section 55025 to be heard in Open Session if requested pursuant to Education Code Section 72122
          • 1.4
            CLOSED SESSION Personnel, Collective Bargaining and Possible Litigation
              a. Student Grade Appeal pursuant to Board Policy 5513, Education Code sections 72122 and 76224, and California Administrative Code Title 5 Section 55025
                b. Conference with Legal Counsel: Review of Potential Measure B Bond Claims (Government Code Section 54957), Four (4) Matters
                  c. Conference with Labor Negotiator:  Vice Chancellor Contract Concessions (Government Code Section 54957.6)
                  District designated representative: Joel L. Kinnamon
                  Unrepresented employee:  Vice Chancellor
                    d.  Conference with Labor Negotiators:  Administrators Contract Concessions (Government Code Section 54957.6)
                    District designated representatives: Joel L. Kinnamon and/or Mary Anne Gularte
                    Unrepresented employees:  Classified Administrators and Academic Administrators

                      e. Conference with Labor Negotiators: S.E.I.U., Local 1021, and Chabot-Las Positas Faculty Association Updates (Government Code Section 54957.6)

                        *Board meeting will immediately adjourn to a Closed Session to end at 6:30 p.m. If business is not concluded by 6:30 p.m., the Board will reconvene to the Regular Meeting and recess the Closed Session until the end of the meeting.
                        • 1.5
                          6:30 P.M. - OPEN SESSION - CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL
                          • 1.6
                            PLEDGE TO FLAG
                            • 1.7

                              PUBLIC COMMENTS

                              The Board requests that the public speak at this time.  Any person wishing to address the Board on any matter of concern is requested to complete a "Request to Address the Board of Trustees" card and file it with the Recording Secretary of the Board prior to start of the meeting.  Individuals will be called upon to speak by the presiding officer.  The Board cannot act on or discuss items not listed on the agenda.

                              • 1.8

                                APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS (cc)

                                Consent Calendar items are designated by "cc" and are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board of Trustees on a single motion without discussion. Any member of the Board or Public may request that an item be removed from this section for later discussion.

                                • 1.9 (cc)
                                  Approval of Minutes of April 19, 2011 Meeting


                                • 1.10
                                  PRESENTATION:  Budget Update on Governor's May Revision
                                  • 2.0
                                    • 2.1
                                      Trustee Reports and/or Official Communications
                                      • 2.2
                                        Chabot-Las Positas Colleges Foundations
                                        • 2.3

                                          Presidents of Faculty Senates - Chabot College and Las Positas College

                                          • 2.4

                                            Presidents of Classified Senates - Chabot College , Las Positas College and  District

                                            • 2.5

                                              Presidents of Associated Students - Chabot College and Las Positas College

                                              • 2.6

                                                Presidents of Chabot College and Las Positas College

                                                • 2.7


                                                  • 2.8
                                                    • 3.0
                                                      • 3.1 (cc)
                                                        Student Assistant Personnel (No Items)
                                                        • 3.2(cc)

                                                          Classified Personnel (No Items)

                                                          • 3.3(cc)

                                                            Faculty Personnel


                                                          • 3.4(cc)

                                                            Management Personnel (No Items)

                                                            • 4.0
                                                              EDUCATIONAL SERVICES
                                                              • 4.1 (cc)
                                                                Approval of Additional 2011-2012 Curriculum Changes, Chabot College


                                                              • 4.2 (cc)
                                                                Acceptance of Grant Sub-Award—East Bay Teacher Pathway 2011 Summer Science Institute with Growth Sector, Chabot College


                                                              • 4.3 (cc)
                                                                Approval of Memorandum of Understanding and Acceptance of Grant Award—Direct Support Workers Career Ladder Training and Employment Project, Grant No. 10-366 with the Peralta Community College District, College of Alameda, Las Positas College


                                                              • 4.4 (cc)
                                                                Approval of Travel Study Tour-“Faces of Cuba” and Agreement with Global Exchange Reality Tours, Chabot College


                                                              • 5.0
                                                                BUSINESS SERVICES
                                                                • 5.1 (cc)
                                                                  Approval of Commercial Warrant Registers


                                                                • 5.2 (cc)
                                                                  Approval of Payroll Warrant Registers


                                                                • 5.3 (cc)
                                                                  Approval of Budget Transfers 9.I.1


                                                                • 5.4 (cc)
                                                                  Approval of Reallocation of Categorical Funding for 2010-11 and Authorization of Reallocation of Categorical Funding through 2014-15


                                                                • 5.5 (cc)

                                                                  Approval of Award of Bid No. 11-18, Vehicle Mounted Aerial Device, Chabot College (Measure B Bond Funds)


                                                                • 5.6 (cc)
                                                                  Approval of Renewal Agreement—Sutter Tracy Community Hospital for the Surgical Technology Program, Las Positas College


                                                                • 5.7 (cc)
                                                                  Approval of Agreement Renewal—Pianos Plus, Las Positas College


                                                                • 5.8 (cc)
                                                                  Approval of Agreement—Commission of Public Artwork for “Homecoming” by Natalie Blake Studios, Chabot College


                                                                • 6.0
                                                                  FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT
                                                                  • 6.1 (cc)
                                                                    Approval of Award of Bid No. 11-01, PE Complex Alterations, Buildings 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800 and 2900, Chabot College (Measure B Bond Funds)


                                                                  • 6.2 (cc)
                                                                    Approval of Award of Bid No. 11-02.1, HazMat Remediation, Building 1800, Chabot College (Measure B Bond Funds)


                                                                  • 6.3 (cc)
                                                                    Approval to Reassign the Beverly Prior Architects, Inc., Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Contract to HMC Group for the Child Development Center, Las Positas College (Measure B Bond Funds)


                                                                  • 6.4 (cc)
                                                                    Approval of Contracts for Division of State Architect (DSA) Inspector of Record (IOR) with Nor Cal Inspection for DSA Inspection Services for the PE Complex Alterations, Buildings 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800 and 2900, Chabot College (Measure B Bond Funds)


                                                                  • 6.5 (cc)
                                                                    Adoption of Resolution No. 10A-1011—Amended Resolution Authorizing Measure B Bond Project Related to the Purchase or Acquisition by Condemnation of Real Property Located at 7544 Dublin Boulevard and 6707 Golden Gate Drive, Dublin, CA


                                                                  • 7.0

                                                                    ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/CONTRACT EDUCATION (NO ITEMS)

                                                                    • 7.1 (cc)
                                                                      Approval to Renew Standard Contract—County of Solano Standard Contract No. 00591-12, District-Economic Development


                                                                    • 7.2 (cc)
                                                                      Approval to Renew Master Agreement—Painter Apprenticeship Program and Drywall Finishing Apprenticeship Program with the District Council 16 Northern California Journeyman and Apprenticeship Training Trust Fund, District-Economic Development


                                                                    • 7.3 (cc)
                                                                      Approval to Renew Master Agreement—Fire/Life Safety Apprenticeship Program with the Western Burglar and Fire Alarm Association, Inc., District-Economic Development


                                                                    • 7.4 (cc)
                                                                      Approval to Renew Master Agreement–Telecommunications Apprenticeship Program with the Communications Workers of America (CWA) JATC, District-Economic Development


                                                                    • 7.5 (cc)
                                                                      Approval to Renew Master Agreement—Roofing Apprenticeship Program with the Independent Roofing Contractors of California, District–Economic Development


                                                                    • 8.0
                                                                      INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action)
                                                                      • 8.1
                                                                        Informational Personnel Reports


                                                                      • 8.2
                                                                        Quarterly Financial Status Report, CCFS-311Q for period ending March 31, 2011


                                                                      • 9.0

                                                                        OTHER ACTION ITEMS

                                                                        • 9.1 (cc)
                                                                          Approval of Revised 2011 Calendar of Board Meetings


                                                                        • 10.0

                                                                          CLOSED SESSION—(Government Code Section 54954.5)

                                                                          • 10.1
                                                                            • 10.2
                                                                              Collective Bargaining
                                                                              • 10.3
                                                                                Possible Litigation
                                                                                • 11.0


                                                                                  Adjourn to Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Financing Corporation Meeting

                                                                                  • 12.0

                                                                                    NEXT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

                                                                                    June 8, 2011, 8:30 a.m., District Office (Board Retreat)

                                                                                    Board of Trustees Financing corporation meeting

                                                                                    Immediately following the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

                                                                                    District Office
                                                                                    5020 Franklin Drive, Pleasanton, CA
                                                                                    Multipurpose Room (Room 120)

                                                                                    • 1.0
                                                                                      CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL
                                                                                      • 2.0

                                                                                        PUBLIC COMMENTS

                                                                                        The Board requests that the public speak at this time.  Any person wishing to address the Board on any matter of concern is requested to complete a "Request to Address the Board of Trustees" card and file it with the Recording Secretary of the Board prior to start of the meeting.  Individuals will be called upon to speak by the presiding officer.  The Board cannot act on or discuss items not listed on the agenda.

                                                                                        • 3.0

                                                                                          APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 2010


                                                                                        • 4.0

                                                                                          ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 11-1011

                                                                                          The Board of Directors of the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Financing Corporation, a California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation Relating to the Winding up and Dissolution of the Corporation


                                                                                        • 5.0


                                                                                          Any person with a disability may request this agenda be made available in an appropriate alternative format. A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting to the Assistant to the Chancellor, 5020 Franklin Drive, Pleasanton, 925-485-5207, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at least 48 hours before the meeting.