Board Packet - October 19, 2021

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Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

October 19, 2021 – 5:30 P.M.*

District Office
7600 Dublin Blvd., 3rd Floor, Dublin, CA 94568
Board Room (3rd Floor)

Location for public participation: ZOOM 1.669.900.6833
Meeting ID: 97025449861

Please take notice that in compliance with the Executive Order N-29-20: Trustees may participate in this meeting through Teleconferencing/Zoom. Teleconference/Zoom sites shall not be open to the public.

Location for Public Participation

In order to protect the public health, and adhere to current directives regarding public gatherings and social distancing, the physical site of the meeting is closed to the public. As authorized by Executive Order N-29-20, public access to the meeting is provided electronically as follows:

To observe or address the meeting:

  • The District is providing members of the public the ability to observe and address the meeting by telephone. Please call 1.669.900.6833, Meeting ID 97025449861 and follow the prompts to join the meeting.

Instructions for making Public Comment:

  • Members of the public may address the Board during public comment by typing their name in the “Q&A” function or other instructions in Zoom and may indicate if they wish to address a particular agenda item, or if they wish to make a general comment on a matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. The Secretary will call on the member of the public at the appropriate time and allow the member of the public to provide live comment. The District limits each speaker to 3 minutes.

  • Members of the public may attend and comment in real time by calling 1.669.900.6833, Meeting ID 97025449861 and follow the prompts to join the meeting or connecting via

  • Any member of the public wishing to speak may type name in Q&A box to notify legislative body. Individuals desiring to provide public comment through the use of an internet website, or other online platform, not under the District’s control, that requires registration to log in to a teleconference may be required to register as required by the third-party internet website or online platform to participate.

  • The Secretary will call on members of the public at the appropriate time.

  • The District will no longer read emailed public comments aloud during the meeting.


  • All votes taken during the meeting will be by roll call. 
  • Any individuals with disabilities who needs reasonable accommodation or modification in order to participate remotely may make a request for accommodation by contacting the Recording Secretary Debra Nascimento at or 925.485.5207 at least 48 hours before the meeting. 
  • Except as described above, the Board’s regular rules and procedures for conducting meetings continue to apply, including: 
    • Thirty minutes shall be the maximum time allotment for public speakers on any one subject regardless of the number of speakers. (BP 2350)
    • The rules of decorum continue to apply. (BP 2355)
  • To replicate as closely as possible how public participation occurs when we are physically together, the Zoom Chat feature will be disabled during the meeting. Members of the public wishing to be heard by everyone in attendance at the meeting need to follow one of the public comment options listed above. Trustees will give their full attention to whoever is speaking in the moment. The public is also reminded that trustees value and listen attentively to public comment, but do not respond.  


  • 1.0


    • 1.1

      5:30 P.M. - OPEN SESSION


      • 1.2

        The Secretary will call on the member of the public at the appropriate time and allow the member of the public to provide live comment.   

        • 1.3


          • 1.4

            CLOSED SESSION*

            1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS: Chabot-Las Positas Faculty Association and S.E.I.U., LOCAL 1021 Updates (Government Code Section 54957.6)

              *Board meeting will immediately adjourn to a Closed Session to end at 6:30 p.m. If business is not concluded by 6:30 p.m., the Board will reconvene to the Regular Meeting and recess the Closed Session until the end of the meeting.

              • 1.5

                6:30 P.M. - OPEN SESSION


                • 1.6
                  PLEDGE TO FLAG
                  • 1.7
                    PUBLIC COMMENTS

                    The Secretary will call on the member of the public at the appropriate time and allow the member of the public to provide live comment. 

                    • 1.8

                      APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS (cc)
                      Consent Calendar items are designated by “cc” and are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board of Trustees on a single motion without discussion. Any member of the Board or Public may request that an item be removed from this section for later discussion.

                      • 1.9 (cc)

                        Approval of Minutes of August 31, 2021, Special
                        Approval of Minutes of September 14, 2021, Regular


                      • 1.10
                        PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION: Redistricting Plan with the 2021 Census-Lapkoff and Gobalet Demographic Research, Inc.


                      • 1.11

                        PRESENTATION: Chabot College’s Students Programs and Works of Distinction


                      • 2.0
                        • 2.1
                          Presidents of Faculty Senates-Chabot College and Las Positas College
                          • 2.2
                            Presidents of Classified Senates-Chabot College, Las Positas College and District
                            • 2.3
                              Presidents of Student Senate of Chabot College and Las Positas College Student Government
                              • 2.4
                                Constituency Reports: SEIU, Faculty Association
                                • 3.0
                                  • 3.1 (cc)
                                    Classified Personnel


                                  • 3.2 (cc)
                                    Faculty Personnel


                                  • 3.3 (cc)
                                    Management Personnel


                                  • 3.4

                                    Presentation of the Chabot-Las Positas Faculty Association Proposal for the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Ending June 30, 2022


                                  • 4.0
                                    EDUCATIONAL SERVICES
                                    • 4.1 (cc)

                                      Acceptance of Grant Award – Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success  (CEVSS) from the U.S. Department of Education, in support of the Las Positas College Veterans First Program, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College (P116G210027)


                                    • 4.2 (cc)

                                      Acceptance of Grant Award - Formula Revision and Agreement from the U.S. Department of Education, in support of the Chabot College Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) – Minority Serving Institutions, Chabot – Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College (P425L200454 – 20C)


                                    • 4.3 (cc)

                                      Acceptance of Grant Award – Title III Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution (AANAPISI) Program Grant from the U.S. Department of Education, in support of the Chabot College Movement AA&PI Program at the Chabot –Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College (P382B210021)


                                    • 4.4 (cc)

                                      Acceptance of Grant Award – Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) STEM Grant from the U.S. Department of Education, in support of the Chabot College Éxito STEM Scholars Program, Chabot - Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College (P031C210170)


                                    • 4.5 (cc)
                                      Approval of 2023-2024 Academic Calendar


                                    • 4.6 (cc)
                                      Approval of Curriculum Changes, Chabot College


                                    • 4.7 (cc)
                                      Approval of Curriculum Changes, Las Positas College


                                    • 4.8 (cc)
                                      Approval of Affiliation Agreement between The Sacramento Fire Department, Sacramento California and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College


                                    • 4.9 (cc)

                                       Approval of Agreement Renewal - Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) 2021-2022 Instructional Agreement No 21-22-2879 between Yosemite Community College District (YCCD/CDTC), Child Development Training Consortium (YCCD/CDTC) and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College


                                    • 4.10 (cc)

                                      Approval of Agreement Renewal - Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) 2021-2022 Instructional Agreement No 21-22-2620 between Yosemite Community College District, Child Development Training Consortium (YCCD/CDTC) and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College


                                    • 4.11 (cc)

                                      Approval of Letter of Partnership Agreement for the Math and Science Teacher (MAST) Scholars Program between California State University East Bay and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College


                                    • 4.12 (cc)

                                      Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Center for Innovation in Education, dba Base 11, and Chabot-Las Positas College Community College District, Las Positas College


                                    • 4.13 (cc)

                                      Approval of Partnership Agreement – Between the Regents of the University of California (“UC”), division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (“ANR”), Cooperative Extension (“UCCE”) California Naturalist Program (collectively, “University”), a UCCE Approved Training Program and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College


                                    • 4.14 (cc)

                                      Approval of Subaward Agreement No. 245901A, Amendment #1 – Subrecipient Commitment for California Learning Labs Seed Grant Award – Social Online Tools to Support Collaborative and Inclusive Learning with California State University, Stanislaus (CSUS) and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College


                                    • 4.15

                                      Adoption of Resolution No. 02-2022 – Child Development State Preschool Contract No. CSPP-1008, Project No. 01-06131-00-1, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Chabot and Las Positas College


                                    • 5.0
                                      BUSINESS SERVICES
                                      • 5.1 (cc)
                                        Approval of Commercial Warrant Registers


                                      • 5.2 (cc)
                                        Approval of Payroll Warrant Registers


                                      • 5.3 (cc)

                                        Approval of Community College League of California Requisition, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College – Library


                                      • 5.4 (cc)

                                        Approval of Initial Three-Year Contract between Chabot College, CalFresh Outreach and Chico State Enterprises


                                      • 5.5 (cc)

                                        Approval Renewed Contract- Stanford Health Center-ValleyCare for the Nursing Program, Chabot College


                                      • 5.6 (cc)
                                        Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between HEN Nozzles LLC and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College


                                      • 5.7 (cc)
                                        Approval of Award of Contract with Cleared4 Inc., for the Cleared4 Health Verification Platform to Address Vaccine Verifications, Daily Health Screenings and HIPPAA Compliant Reporting


                                      • 5.8 (cc)
                                        Approval of First Amendment to Student Health and Wellness Center Agreement, Agreement Renewal - Stanford Health Care – Valley Care and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College


                                      • 6.0
                                        FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT
                                        • 6.1 (cc)
                                          Approval of Award of Bid No. B21/22-01 to Johnson Controls, Inc. for the District-Wide Security Management System Refresh Project


                                        • 6.2 (cc)

                                          Approval of Appointment to Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for Measure B and Measure A


                                        • 6.3 (cc)

                                          Approval of Agreement for acceptance of hosting of two Energize College/Strategic Energy Innovations Fellows with Chabot-Las Positas Community College District


                                        • 6.4 (cc)

                                          Approval of Modification to the existing contract with ABC Inspection for material testing and construction inspection services for Biological Science Building 2100 Annex at Chabot College


                                        • 6.5 (cc)

                                          Approval of Modification to the Contract with JD General Construction, Inc. for Bid No. B20/21-09, Student Services Interior Improvements Project at Las Positas College


                                        • 6.6 (cc)

                                          Approval of Modification to the existing Lease/Leaseback contract with Rudolph & Sletten of San Carlos, CA, for Phase II of said contract for Guaranteed Maximum\Pricing (GMP) for Construction Services, Site Lease and Facilities Lease for Increment 1: Soil Improvements for the Library & Learning Connections Building Project at Chabot College


                                        • 6.7 (cc)

                                          Approval of Modification to the contract with W.A. Thomas Co., Inc., for Bid No. 18-01, Biological Sciences B2100 Building Annex at Chabot College


                                        • 7.0
                                          ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/CONTRACT EDUCATION
                                          • 7.1 (cc)

                                            Approval of Agreement for Professional Services - County of Calaveras, District- Economic Development      


                                          • 8.0
                                            INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action)
                                            • 8.1 
                                              Informational Personnel Report
                                            • 9.0
                                              OTHER ACTION ITEMS 
                                              • 9.1
                                                Adoption of Resolution No. 03-2022 - To implement teleconference requirements during a proclaimed State of Emergency


                                              • 9.2
                                                Revised 2021 Board Calendar


                                              • 10.0
                                                REPORTS- SENIOR LEADERSHIP AND TRUSTEES
                                                • 10.1
                                                  President of Chabot College and Las Positas College
                                                  • 10.2
                                                    • 10.3
                                                      • 10.4
                                                        Trustee Reports and/or Official Communications
                                                        • 11.0


                                                          • 12.0

                                                            NEXT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                            November 16, 2021, Regular Meeting, District

                                                              Any person with a disability may request this agenda be made available in an appropriate alternative format. A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting to the Chancellor’s Office, 7600 Dublin Blvd., 3rd Floor, Dublin, CA 925‑485-5207, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at least 48 hours before the meeting.