Board Packet - April 20, 2021

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Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

April 20, 2021 – 5:30 P.M.*

District Office
7600 Dublin Blvd., 3rd Floor, Dublin, CA 94568
Board Room (3rd Floor)

Location for public participation: ZOOM 1.669.900.6833
Meeting ID: 98330360069

Please take notice that in compliance with the Executive Order N-29-20: Trustees may participate in this meeting through Teleconferencing/Zoom. Teleconference/Zoom sites shall not be open to the public.

Location for Public Participation

In order to protect the public health, and adhere to current directives regarding public gatherings and social distancing, the physical site of the meeting is closed to the public. As authorized by Executive Order N-29-20, public access to the meeting is provided electronically as follows:

To observe or address the meeting:

  • The District is providing members of the public the ability to observe and address the meeting by telephone. Please call [1.669.900.6833, Meeting ID 98330360069 and follow the prompts to join the meeting]

Instructions for making Public Comment:

  • The Board values public input and seeks to make it as easy as possible, within the limitations created by the need for virtual meetings. The Board also appreciates and agrees with community feedback that hearing from the public – in your own voices and in “real time”—better informs the Board of the community’s perspectives and concerns. Thus, to maximize and facilitate public access, the District is providing members of the public with two ways to address the Board, described below.  Each option provides the ability to provide public comment on any matter on the open or closed session agenda, as well as any matter within the Board’s jurisdiction.


If you wish to provide public comment by speaking during the meeting, please:

1) Email the information listed below to:, no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.

(NOTE: This step replaces the regular requirement that speakers fill out a comment card at the beginning of the meeting. The comment card process is suspended while we conduct virtual meetings.) 

  • In the subject line, state: “Request to speak during public meeting [date of meeting]” 
  • In the body of the email include:
    • The name that will appear when you are logged into the virtual meeting.
    • The phone number you will be calling in from
    • The agenda item you want to speak on.
      • To comment on a listed item on the agenda, state the agenda item number and title.
      • To comment on a matter on the Board’s closed session agenda, state “Public Comment/Closed Session Agenda”.
      • To comment on a matter of general concern within the Board’s jurisdiction, state: “General Public Comment/Open Session”. 
  • Please send a separate email for each agenda item you wish to speak on. 

2) Make sure that you have called into the meeting using the name/phone number provided in your email, so the Board secretary is able to see that you are in the virtual board room and can call on you. 

3) When the Recording secretary calls on you, she will unmute your line and let you know it is your turn to speak. 

4) Please remember that the Board’s regular 3-minute limit on public comment continues to apply.


If you wish to submit your public comment in writing, please:

1) Submit your written public comments  by email, no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting:

2) To effectuate Board Policy 2350’s limit of three minutes per speaker, limit your written comments per item to 300 words. 

3) To ensure that your comment is read in connection with the matter you wish to address, send a separate email for each agenda item you wish to speak on, and: 

  • To comment on a listed item on the agenda, state the agenda item number and title in the subject line of the email.
  • To comment on a matter on the Board’s closed session agenda, state in the subject line: “Public Comment/Closed Session Agenda”.
  • To comment on a matter of general concern within the Board’s jurisdiction, state in the subject line: “General Public Comment/Open Session”.

 4) Speakers are encouraged, but not required, to state their name in their written comments. 


  • All votes taken during the meeting will be by roll call. 
  • Any individuals with disabilities who needs reasonable accommodation or modification in order to participate remotely may make a request for accommodation by contacting the Recording Secretary Debra Nascimento at or 925.485.5207 at least 48 hours before the meeting. 
  • Except as described above, the Board’s regular rules and procedures for conducting meetings continue to apply, including: 
    • Thirty minutes shall be the maximum time allotment for public speakers on any one subject regardless of the number of speakers. (BP 2350)
    • The rules of decorum continue apply (BP 2355)
  • To replicate as closely as possible how public participation occurs when we are physically together, the Zoom Chat feature will be disabled during the meeting.  Members of the public wishing to be heard by everyone in attendance at the meeting need to follow one of the public comment options listed above. Trustees will give their full attention to whoever is speaking in the moment. The public is also reminded that trustees value and listen attentively to public comment, but do not respond. 

Approval of Ratification of Amendment to Standard Grant Agreement No. C19-0071 California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, District- Economic Development

  • 1.0


    • 1.1

      5:30 P.M. - OPEN SESSION


      • 1.2

        Public comment on the closed session agenda submitted by email, through the procedure and by the deadline stated above, will be read aloud by the Recording Secretary.  

        • 1.3


          • 1.4

            CLOSED SESSION*

            1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Title: Chancellor [Government Code Section 54957]
            2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS: Chabot-Las Positas Faculty Association and S.E.I.U., LOCAL 1021 Updates (Government Code Section 54957.6)

              *Board meeting will immediately adjourn to a Closed Session to end at 6:30 p.m. If business is not concluded by 6:30 p.m., the Board will reconvene to the Regular Meeting and recess the Closed Session until the end of the meeting.

              • 1.5

                6:30 P.M. - OPEN SESSION


                • 1.6
                  PLEDGE TO FLAG
                  • 1.7
                    PUBLIC COMMENTS
                    Public comments submitted by email, through the procedure and by the deadline stated above, will be read aloud by the Recording Secretary.
                    • 1.8

                      APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS (cc)
                      Consent Calendar items are designated by “cc” and are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board of Trustees on a single motion without discussion. Any member of the Board or Public may request that an item be removed from this section for later discussion.

                      • 1.9 (cc)

                        Approval of Minutes of March 16, 2021, Regular
                        Approval of Minutes of March 20, 2021, Retreat


                      • 1.10

                        PRESENTATION: BOARD EVALUATION


                      • 2.0
                        • 2.1
                          Presidents of Faculty Senates-Chabot College and Las Positas College
                          • 2.2
                            Presidents of Classified Senates-Chabot College, Las Positas College and District
                            • 2.3
                              Presidents of Student Senate of Chabot College and Las Positas College Student Government
                              • 2.4
                                Constituency Reports: SEIU, Faculty Association
                                • 3.0
                                  • 3.1 (cc)
                                    Classified Personnel


                                  • 4.0
                                    EDUCATIONAL SERVICES
                                    • 4.1 (cc)

                                      Approval of Agreement between National University and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College


                                    • 4.2 (cc)

                                      Approval of Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The Research and Planning Group (RP Group) for California Community Colleges and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (CLPCCD)


                                    • 4.3 (cc)

                                      Approval of Curriculum Changes, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College


                                    • 4.4 (cc)

                                      Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for K12 Strong Workforce Program between the Alameda County Office of Education and the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College


                                    • 4.5 (cc)

                                      Approval of Chabot College and Las Positas College Educational Master Plans and the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District’s District-wide Strategic Plan


                                    • 5.0
                                      BUSINESS SERVICES
                                      • 5.1 (cc)
                                        Approval of Commercial Warrant Registers


                                      • 5.2 (cc)
                                        Approval of Payroll Warrant Registers


                                      • 5.3 (cc)

                                        Approval of Declaration of Surplus Property to be Sold at Public Auction Sale and Donation or Disposal of Any Items Not Sold


                                      • 5.4 (cc)

                                        Approval of Aaron De La Cruz Mural Project, Chabot Las-Positas Community College District, Las Positas College


                                      • 5.5 (cc)

                                        Approval of Award of a Piggyback Contract for an Audio-Visual Refresh for Conference Room 1687 at Las Positas College Using the Omnia Partnership Agreement with the University of California State Contract


                                      • 5.6 (cc)

                                        Approval of Award of a Piggyback Contract for Personal Computer Equipment for Multiple Instructional Areas at Las Positas College Using the State of California Western States Contracting Alliance - National Association of State Procurement Officials Cooperative Purchasing Program


                                      • 5.7 (cc)

                                        Acceptance of the Grant Award Notification Formula Revision and Agreement for CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) – Minority Serving Institutions – from the U.S. Department of Education for the Chabot – Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College


                                      • 5.8 (cc)

                                        Approval of Award of Bid No. B20/21-12, Kinesiology Lab Project at Las Positas College to JD General Construction, Inc.


                                      • 5.9 (cc)

                                        Approval of Community College League of California Open Purchase Order Augmentation Form, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College


                                      • 5.10
                                        Adoption of Resolution 06-2021, in the Matter of Establishing a Trust to Be Used for the Purposes of: Investment and Disbursement of Funds Irrevocably Designated by Employer for the Payment of its Obligations to Eligible Employees and Former Employees of Employer and their Eligible Dependents and Beneficiaries for Health Insurance and Other Similar Benefits


                                      • 6.0
                                        FACILITIES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT
                                        • 6.1 (cc)

                                          Approval of Award of Bid No. B20/21-08 to C. Overaa & Co. for the Agricultural Sciences: Horticulture Facility Project at Las Positas College


                                        • 6.2 (cc)

                                          Approval of Award of Contract with Corovan for Moving Management Services for the New Academic Support and Faculty Offices B2100 Project at Las Positas College


                                        • 6.3 (cc)

                                          Approval of Award of Contract with Ninyo & Moore for DSA Approved Testing and Inspection Services for the Agricultural Sciences: Horticulture Facility at Las Positas College


                                        • 6.4 (cc)
                                          Approval of Modification to the Contract with ATI Architects & Engineers for the MPOE Replacement Projects at Chabot College


                                        • 6.5 (cc)
                                          Approval of Award of Contract with United Inspection, Inc. for DSA Approved Inspector of Record (IOR) Services for the Agricultural Sciences: Horticulture Facility at Las Positas College


                                        • 6.6 (cc)

                                          Approval of Modification to the Contract with W.A. Thomas Co., Inc., for Bid No. 18-01, Biological Sciences B2100 Building Annex at Chabot College  


                                        • 6.7 (cc)

                                          Approval of Modification to the Existing Design and Engineering Services Contract with ACMARTIN, formerly ATI Architects + Engineers for Agricultural Sciences: Horticulture Facility at Las Positas College 


                                        • 6.8 (cc)

                                          Approval of Modification to the Piggyback Contract with Class Leasing LLC for the Temporary Faculty Village Modular Offices Project at Las Positas College 


                                        • 7.0
                                          ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/CONTRACT EDUCATION
                                          • 7.1 (cc)
                                            Approval of Standard Contract No. 00591-22 with the County of Solano, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District-Economic Development


                                          • 7.2 (cc)
                                            Approval of Ratification of Standard Agreement No. C19-0029 – California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, District-Economic Development


                                          • 8.0
                                            INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION ITEMS (No Action)
                                            • 8.1 
                                              Informational Personnel Report
                                            • 8.2

                                              First Reading of New, Reviewed, or Revised Administrative Procedures

                                              • AP 3433 Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
                                              • AP 3434 Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures
                                              • AP 5010 Admissions
                                              • AP 5011 Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment of High School and Other Young Students
                                              • AP 5070 Attendance
                                              • AP 5075 Course Adds and Drops
                                              • AP 5210 Communicable Disease
                                            • 8.3

                                              First Reading of New, Reviewed, or Revised Administrative Procedures

                                              • BP 3433 Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
                                              • BP 5010 Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment
                                              • BP 5015 Residence Determination
                                              • BP 5020 Nonresident Tuition
                                              • BP 5070 Attendance
                                              • BP 5210 Communicable Disease
                                            • 9.0
                                              OTHER ACTION ITEMS
                                              • 9.1

                                                Second Reading of New, Reviewed, or Revised Board Policies

                                                • BP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment
                                                • BP 3540 Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
                                                • BP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates


                                              • 9.2

                                                Approve the CLPCCD Foundation Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation


                                              • 9.3

                                                Adoption of Resolution 07-2021- Authorization to condemning the recent surge in hate crimes targeting Asian Americans


                                              • 10.0
                                                REPORTS- SENIOR LEADERSHIP AND TRUSTEES
                                                • 10.1
                                                  President of Chabot College and Las Positas College
                                                  • 10.2
                                                    • 10.3
                                                      • 10.4
                                                        Trustee Reports and/or Official Communications
                                                        • 11.0


                                                          • 12.0

                                                            NEXT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

                                                            April 27, 2021, 5:30 p.m., Study-End-of-Year Recognitions, District
                                                            May 18, 2021, 5:30 p.m., Regular, District

                                                              Any person with a disability may request this agenda be made available in an appropriate alternative format. A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting to the Chancellor’s Office, 7600 Dublin Blvd., 3rd Floor, Dublin, CA 925‑485-5207, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at least 48 hours before the meeting.