TCC Task Forces
Forms Generation Task Force
(currently on hiatus)
Current Status | Goals:
In our district-wide Technology Coordinating Committee (TCC) meeting, we identified an initiative to review and select a “Forms Generation Software” that includes forms generation capabilities, workflow, and online approval that would replace manual forms or PDF forms used today. This initiative was identified as a high priority in the Colleges’ Education Master Plan to automate our processes using technology tools.
The task force meetings will work to define the requirements needed, find out what other California Community Colleges are using, and to select the possible vendors to facilitate demonstrations of their product. This task force will follow a similar process utilized in evaluating Web Content Management Systems that resulted in the selection and implemenation of OmniUpdate. Once potential vendor products are identified, the task force will request that the vendor provide a “sandbox” of the system, so that other college and district staff can provide feedback on the potential software products.
Online Education Initiative Task Force
(meetings ended in May 2016)
Current Status | Goals:
The Online Education Initiative (OEI) is a collaborative effort among California Community Colleges to increase student success and completion by working together to increase access to quality online courses and support services for students. The goal of the OEI is to ensure that more students obtain certificates, degrees, and transfers to four-year colleges in a timely manner. Special attention is given to support services that are tailored to diverse needs of community college students.
CLPCCD formed an OEI Task Force to explore, investigate, and research the OEI and make a recommendation to the Chancellor about which aspects of the OEI – if any - are appropriate for CLPCCD participation. The OEI Task Force was to review the OEI Course Exchange and the Canvas Course Management System (CMS) as well as the other software tools available such as NetTutor for tutoring and Readiness Assessment. The OEI Task Force agreed to provide a recommendation to the Chancellor by the end of April 2016. As noted in the OEI Task Force duties: “The OEI Task Force was to report back to their constituencies, but will report its final recommendation to the Chancellor. The Chancellor will make the ultimate decision”
Web Content Management System Task Force
(meetings ended in March 2016)
Current Status | Goals:
To evaluate and select a new Web Content Management System to be utilized at all locations that will enhance the website design process, facilitate content updates to web pages, and improve our responsiveness to needed changes to the various websites. We would like to have a single tool that works at all three sites instead of using a variety of software, such as Contribute and SharePoint 2007, which have limited capabilities and are not a comprehensive web content managemeent system that aligns with the newest web technology.
The Technology Committees have formed a task force comprised of members from both colleges and district to review various products that are on the market and look at the software capabilities, the delivery models available and the related implementation considerations, and costs. The results of the task force's evaluation and recommendation will be presented back to each of othe Technology Committees for their consensus which will be followed by a final recommendation back to the Chancellor's Senior Leadership Team made up of the Chancellor, Presidents, Vice Chancellors, and CTO.