EMP and DSP Environmental Scan

Environmental Scan


2020 CLPCCD District-wide Environmental Scan (final)

The CLPCCD 2020 Environmental Scan provides robust data, analyses, and findings to inform district-wide planning and guide strategy over the next five years, 2021-2026.

The comprehensive CLPCCD Environmental Scan aimed to answer three overarching research questions:

  1. What is the environmental context in which we are working?
  2. Who are those we serve?
  3. How and how well do we serve those we were established and designed to serve?

This environmental scan is informed by campus and community data gathering from March through December 2020. The findings highlight current external and internal trends to ensure the District and its two colleges are prepared to take advantage of opportunities and respond to the needs and strengths of our current and potential students in light of evolving social, political, health, and economic realities.

The CLPCCD Environmental Scan is intended as a foundation document for further research, decision-making, and resource development.

For further information, please contact Dr. Theresa Fleischer Rowland, Vice Chancellor Educational Services and Student Success  trowland@clpccd.org